Warmest Congratulations to the Hungarian Assocation
Idén 30 éves a Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete (angol rövidítése HACD). Örömünkre és nagy meglepetésünkre a közösségfejlesztők nemzetközi világszervezete, az IACD (International Association for Community Development) köszöntött bennünket, számon tartva, hogy a térségünkben a miénk az elsőként megszületett és azóta is folyamatosan működő közösségfejlesztő egyesület. Az IACD, a HACD és a CEBSD szervezte 2004-ben, EU-csatlakozásunk évében rendezte meg azt az európai konferenciát, amely Budapesti Nyilatkozat címen vonult be a szakmatörténetbe (magyarul ld. a PAROLA 2004/1. számában). Köszönjük, kedves Barátaink!
A szerk.
Wish wish the Hungarian Association for Community Development (HACD) boldog születésnapot (happy birthday) as it reaches 30 this month. http://www.kka.hu HACD was foundedMarch 1989 at a period when the deep freeze between Western and Eastern Europe was thawing. From the outset HACD saw itself as a citizen action movement and a profession.
As a movement it spreads the approach of community development, as a professional organisation it fulfills professional development tasks through experimental action research and publications (including a national journal), and teaching community development at basic, vocational and higher education levels and raising the awareness of government and local government of their responsibility in the organization of local development activity. HACD is the oldest national association in Eastern Europe and was a founder and active member in the European Community Development Network. HACD hosted the 2005 international conference together with IACD and CEBSD (the previous name of the European Community Development Network) at which
we jointly published the influential Budapest Declaration Policy Statement on Building European Civil Society Through Community Development.
In recent years civil society and organisations like HACD have suffered from cuts and legislative constraints from the right wing Orban government. We continue to stand in solidarity with our friends and members in Hungary.